Before the completion of Lilo & Stitch, I moved over to work on Brother Bear - the last traditional animated movie that I worked at Disney. I worked as a background stylist from early development all the way through the production - trying hard to adapt oil painting style - sort of painterly plein airish - to the BG production. - the rest is history.

absolutely fantastic! thanks for posting these.
We were oooing and aaahhing over this work over at dreamworks when the "art of" book came out.
WOW, these are absolutely beautiful!
Wow! I am honored that you visited my site. I think your work is quite superb -- you have been a favorite-- and I hope you don't mind that I've linked your blog on my site. Your landscapes and portraiture are simply breathtaking!
Master Jie! Thanks for sharing these magnificent paintings. truly inspiring! Hoping to work with you again someday! ;)
holly cow batman. you're amazing!
Thanks to you all for stopping by!
wow!!! you are amazing sir. have you ever thought of teaching?
Thanks for your comment, Steve. As a matter of fact, I had taught in colleges, well, long time ago. I am thinking about conducting some workshops sometime in the future.
well, when you do, please let me know.
thanks so much for sharing these! what is the process on these? Everything in oil? Do you reference your plein-air studies for these?
s t u n n i n g !
I knew you from the art book of Brother Bear.
Your paintings are just amazing.
Fantastic works Jie! It's good to see your blog and all the amazing and very inspiring pieces you did. Brought back a lot of great memories, my friend. I'm linking you up. Take care and regards to Arden, Tom and the rest of the gang up there in BlueSky. Keep in touch.
Thanks a lot to all for your stopping by and your kind words. I am quite humbled.
- Armand, it was great hear from you again after a long while since we parted at the swamp. I have seen your recent work in you blog and web - amazing and impressive stuff! Keep it up my friend!
FANTASTIC!!!One of the best from hand drawing films!:o)
this work is incredibly breathtaking. i am a huge fan.
Seeing more of this work is somewhat of a dream come true. I fell in love with it as soon as the Brother Bear book came out. Just got home from a painting session, and the first thing I like to do is look at your work again!
thanks marco for your kind words. keep up good work! :-)
I Found your blog.
The backgrounds you posted are really awesome. My best compliments.
And it was amazing to find you worked on Lilo e Stitch, one of my best Disney Movies !!
Laura :)
You are my favorite landscape painter ever! Your work is not only masterful but it hits me just right.
Thank you Laura and Hethe!
Simply beautiful work.
Wow, incredible work! I've been a fan of your paintings for ages now since I've seen them in 'art of' books, it's awesome that you're sharing more great work on this blog, cheers!
vraiment incroyable
truly beautifull art.
Stunning work. Blue Sky is lucky to have you.
Hi all, Thanks very much for visiting and for your kind words. I am humbled!
Great work! How do I find out when will you consider teaching?
You're work is completely INCREDIBLE. You sense of color and LIGHTING . . .where to hit hilites and/or saturated color is nothing less than beautiful. Thank you for posting these . . you are an AMAZING colorist, designer, and artist all wrapped up into one. Thanks for sharing,
ken :D
Thanks for posting these and being such an inspiration for young artist like me.
I really admire your artistry.
This art blows my mind. I'm sort of depressed now after looking through it, actually.
This is an astoundingly great collection of work. I have so much to learn from these paintings. Thank you!
wow, fantistico, incredible, wonderful… brilliant without a doubt. a matchless work. brave brave Bravo!
wow, these are so incredible, thanks for posting
wonderful.!! beautiful landscapes!
beautifull paintings! i dont really have words to express how fantastic these pintures are!!! do you give classes????
please visit my blog, see ya, benjamin trobat :)
Absolutely brilliant!
Thanks for sharing these masterpieces.
These are stunning. Each is a master course in painting.
Wonderful work.
Just amazing!!!! Your work is fantastic!!
Great stuff!!
fantastic art! one question what specific medium did you use for thse stunning works? more power!!
Fantastic artwork! they could either finish the movie or just show these on the screen for an hour! Great stuff!
amazing work indeed!
About colorkey,, where you working with occlusions or storyboard? Sometimes it is so detailed... So I ask the question... :)
I can't say nothing just that : °__°
great works..!!!
totally breathtaking.. please post more!
Your work is unbelievable jie! Its fantastic and very inspiring . I have seen your stuff all over and Im very glad I found your blog.
Stunning colors and light! Those concepts are just amazing! I was touched by the colors when I saw the film, now I know where it came from :)
Yours work are amazing! You have an enviable sense of color. Compliments!
beautiful stuff.. amazing
phenomenal :)
kiaaaa !!!
wow my head !!!!
awesome, i really love your work!!!!
Joe y Elio
your work is insane!
great works for a great animation movie!!!
I really like the atmosphere (dunno if we say like that in English^^) of your works
muy buen uso del color en escenografias....y gamas bien entonadas...
OK dude!!! WOW!!! people can go there hole live with out seeing something this good. simply beautiful!!!
Thanks very much to you all who had stopped by this site and for all your kind comments! I am humbled!
I admire your works)) they are incredibly beautiful))! these concepts as much love and warmth. that you can admire them forever))))
These are amazing! Were you inspired or influenced by the group of seven painters? The red/orange forest paintings reminds me of Tom Thomson. Beautiful stuff!
I like your use of perspective. And love your love of shadow.
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